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Amazon Linux X64 (default)

This module shows how to create GitHub action runners. Lambda release will be downloaded from GitHub.


Steps for the full setup, such as creating a GitHub app can be found in the root module's README. First download the Lambda releases from GitHub. Alternatively you can build the lambdas locally with Node or Docker, there is a simple build script in <root>/.ci/ In the you can simply remove the location of the lambda zip files, the default location will work in this case.

The default example assumes local built lambda's available. Ensure you have built the lambda's. Alternativly you can downlowd the lambda's. The version needs to be set to a GitHub release version, see

cd ../lambdas-download
terraform init
terraform apply -var=module_version=<VERSION>
cd -

Before running Terraform, ensure the GitHub app is configured. See the configuration details for more details.

terraform init
terraform apply

The example will try to update the webhook of your GitHub. In case the update fails the apply will not fail. You can receive the webhook details by running:

terraform output -raw webhook_secret


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
aws ~> 5.27
local ~> 2.0
random ~> 3.0


Name Version
random 3.6.3


Name Source Version
base ../base n/a
runners ../../ n/a
webhook_github_app ../../modules/webhook-github-app n/a


Name Type
random_id.random resource


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_region AWS region. string "eu-west-1" no
environment Environment name, used as prefix. string null no
github_app GitHub for API usages.
id = string
key_base64 = string
n/a yes


Name Description
runners n/a
webhook_endpoint n/a
webhook_secret n/a